
Botany SLM


Semester I Title Topic Video Lecture
Unit I Microbes Viruses-discovery, general structure, replication (general account), DNA virus (T-phage); Lytic and lysogenic cycle, RNA virus (TMV); economic importance; bacteria–discovery, general characteristics and cell structure; reproduction–vegetative, asexual and recombination (conjugation, transformation and transduction); economic importance.
Unit II Algae General characteristics; Range of thallus organization and reproduction; classification of algae; morphology and life-cycles of: Nostoc, Chlamydomonas, Oedogonium, Vaucheria, Fucus, Sargassum; economic importance of algae General Characters of Algae, Reproduction in Algae, Classification of AlgaeThallus Organization in Algae
Unit III Fungi Introduction-general characteristics, ecology and significance, range of somatic thallus organization, cell wall composition, nutrition, reproduction and classification (G.C. Ainsworth); life cycle of Stemonitis (Myxomycota) 15 4 Botany UG (NEP) KUN Paper 2: Practical/ Lab course (Course code: BOT102P) Credit: 2 Rhizopus (Zygomycota) Penicillium (Ascomycota), Puccinia, Agaricus (Basidiomycota); Alternaria (Deutromycota), Symbiotic associations: LichensGeneral account, reproduction and significance; Mycorrhiza: ectomycorrhiza, endomycorrhiza and their significance. Introduction-general characteristics
Unit IV Bryophytes General characteristics, adaptations to land habit, classification (up to family), morphology, anatomy and reproduction of Riccia, Marchantia and Funaria; ecology and economic importance of bryophytes.

Semester II Title Topic Video Lecture
Unit I Pteridophytes General characteristics, classification, early land plants (Rhynia); classification (up to family), morphology, anatomy and reproduction of Selaginella, Equisetum and Pteris; heterospory and seed habit, stelar evolution; ecological and economic importance of Pteridophytes. Stelar System in Pteridophytes,
Unit II Gymnosperms General characteristics, classification (up to family), morphology, anatomy and reproduction of Cycas, Pinus and Ephedra; ecological and economic importance
Unit III Introduction to plant taxonomy Identification, classification, nomenclature, functions of herbarium, important herbaria and botanical gardens of the world and India Important flora, botanical nomenclature (principles and rules (ICN); ranks and names; binominal system, typification, author citation, valid publication, rejection of names, principle of priority and its limitations). Classification: Types of classification-artificial, natural and phylogenetic Bentham and Hooker (up to series) and Hutchinson classification.
Unit IV Taxonomy of plant families Ranunculaceae, Malvaceae, Rutaceae, Fabaceae, Apiaceae, Solanaceae, Lamiaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Asteraceae, Poaceae and Orchidaceae (Families can be chosen as per availability of local flora)

Semester III Title Topic Video Lecture 
Unit I Meristematic and permanent tissues Types of tissues, Root and shoot apical meristems, Theories related to apical meristem, simple, complex and secretary tissues Internal Structure of Root,
Unit II Organs Structure of dicot and monocot root, stem and leaf, root stem transition
Unit III Adaptive and protective systems Epidermis, cuticle and stomata
Unit IV Secondary growth Structure and function of Vascular cambium, secondary growth in stem and roots, abnormal secondary growth

Semester IV Title Topic Video Lecture
Unit I Pollination and fertilization Pollination mechanisms and adaptation, structure of anther and pollen, development of male and female gametophytes, double fertilization.
Unit IIEmbryo and endospermTypes of ovules and embryo sacs; embryo and endosperm, types of endosperm; dicot and monocot embryo; apomixis and polyembryony. Development of Embryo, Polyembryony
Unit IIIHeredity(Pre-mandelian genetics, brief life history of Mendel, laws of Inheritance, modified mandelian ratios, lethal genes, co-dominance, incomplete dominance, chi square, pedigree analysis, multiple allelism, chromosome theory of inheritance, sex-determination and sex-linked inheritance, cytoplasmic inheritance
Linkage and crossing over Linkage: concept and history, complete and incomplete linkage, bridges experiment, coupling and repulsion, recombination frequency, linkage maps based on two and three factor crosses.
Unit IV Crossing over Concept and significance, cytological proof of crossing over; mutations and chromosomal aberrations (types of mutations, effects of physical and chemical mutagens, numerical chromosomal changes: euploidy, polyploidy and aneuploidy; structural chromosomal changes: deletions, duplications, inversions and translocations).

Semester V Title Topic Video Lecture
Unit I Cell Biology The cell theories, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, cell organelles (Mitochondria, Chloroplast, ER, golgi body, lysosomes, peroxisomes, glyoxisomes, nucleus, chromatin; DNA packaging in eukaryotes, euchromatin and heterochromatin, nucleolus and ribosome structure), cell membrane and cell wall; models of membrane structure, cell cycle (overview of cell cycle, mitosis and meiosis, molecular controls).
Unit II Molecular Biology Genetic material (DNA: Miescher to Watson and Crick- historic perspective, Griffith’s and Avery’s transformation experiments, Hershey-Chase bacteriophage experiment, DNA structure, types of DNA, types of genetic material); DNA replication (Prokaryotes); Transcription (Prokaryotes) Types of structures of RNA (mRNA, tRNA, rRNA); Translation (Prokaryotes), Regulation of gene expression (Prokaryotes: Lac operon and Tryptophan operon).
Unit III Plant tissue culture Culture types on the basis of explants and media composition, General lab setup and instrumentation, micropropagation, brief account of protoplast culture, somatic embryogenesis with their applications.
Unit IV Recombinant DNA techniques Blotting techniques: Northern, Southern and Western Blotting, Molecular DNA markers i.e. RAPD, RFLP, SNPs, PCR, hybridoma and monoclonal antibodies, ELISA and Immunodetection.

Semester VI Title Topic Video Lecture
Unit I Plant-water relations Importance of water, water potential and its components; transpiration and its significance; factors affecting transpiration; root pressure and guttation.
Mineral nutritionEssential elements, macro and micronutrients; criteria of essentiality of elements; role of essential elements; transport of ions across cell membrane, active and passive transport, carriers, channels and pumps
Unit II Photosynthesis (photosynthetic Pigments (Chl a, b, xanthophylls, 18 17 Botany UG (NEP) KUN carotene); photosystem I and II, electron transport and mechanism of ATP synthesis; C3, C4 and CAM pathways of carbon fixation; photorespiration).
Respiration (glycolysis, anaerobic respiration, TCA cycle; oxidative phosphorylation, glyoxylate cycle).
Unit III Nitrogen metabolism Biological nitrogen fixation; nitrate and ammonia assimilation.
Plant growth regulatorsDiscovery and physiological roles of auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, ABA, ethylene. Plant Growth Regulators- PGR (Plant Harmons)
Unit IVBiochemistry General introduction to carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Enzymes (structure and properties; mechanism of enzyme catalysis and enzyme inhibition, factors affecting enzyme action).